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Parent Teacher Meetings

Parent Teacher Meetings

We also like to call this concept as Parent- Teacher Collaboration. We strongly believe that parental involvement plays a vital role at all stages of a child’s education, and such a supportive role in education can improve achievement. Communication is the most important element in creating a positive relationship between parents and educators.

Research shows that parents who are regularly involved in child’s schooling see the following benefits:

  • Child’s self-esteem is enhanced.
  • Improvement in child’s academic achievement.
  • Child attends school more regularly.
  • Child enrolls in higher level programs.
  • Parent-child relationship is improved.
  • Parent and child develop positive attitude toward the school.
  • Parent have better understanding of the schooling process.


To enhance this amazing relationship regular orientations and meetings are conducted at Aadya Academy.

Parent Orientation Programme

This programme which is conducted at the beginning of each academic year for all the grades serves as an excellent platform to bond school, parents and students for the common goal- the progress of the child. Parents and students get to know what to expect in the coming year and equip themselves for it. Parents also interact with their wards’ new teachers. They are given intricate details regarding the the school curriculum and the subjects being taught, course of study, the goals, assessment patterns, the various events their wards can partake in and the support they can provide at every juncture, through the year. The topical parenting tips given by the Principal make it an extremely beneficial for positive parenting.

Parent Teacher Meeting

Regular and frequent Parent – Teacher Meetings are organised in Aadya Academy after every assessment cycle and more if need arises.

PTM between parents and teachers is a two way communication essential for student success in the classroom. As part of this communication, teachers regularly meet the parents to discuss what is being taught and how the student is progressing, observation in the classroom and home, assessments, and their interaction with teachers, friends, etc

Ideally, the parent-teacher meeting will end with action steps. These can be actions that the teacher, parent or the student will be completing. They could include tutoring, remediation in the classroom, referrals to outside support staff, or even celebrations of achievements.
